
Who you will meet in this summer school


Experts in psychological transformations and methodological implications of emerging phenomena related to postmedial spaces 

Eleonora Farina EEIVE speaker

Eleonora Farina

Eleonora Farina is an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology, Department of Human Sciences for Education “R. Massa”, University of Milano Bicocca, where she teaches “Developmental Psychology”. She obtained a Degree in Educational Sciences, a Master degree in Developmental Psychology, a PhD in Human Sciences and a Post graduate Specialization in Systemic and Socio-constructionist Therapy. Her research interests are focused on emotional ergonomics, well-being, socio-emotional competence, creativity and prosocial/antisocial behaviour in childhood and adolescence. 

Alessandro Pepe EEIVE speaker

Alessandro Pepe

Senior Research Fellow Alessandro Pepe works at the University of Milano Bicocca - Department of Human Sciences for Education. He has a PhD in organizational development and is a psychologist. His areas of interest in research include a variety of topics related to trauma in vulnerable populations, well-being, and life satisfaction. Childrens rights advocacy, education for sustainability, and child protection are additional topics of interest. He is presently teaching mixed method research design (International Doctoral schools in Education and societies) and psychology of disability and inclusion for the bachelor's degree in Educational Science. He is a specialist on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in the social sciences. He serves as a reviewer and member of several scientific journal's editorial boards.

Experts in development of algorithms and methods to process digital signals, from multimedia (audio, images and video) to physiological ones (electroencephalographic data, galvanic skin response, heart rate, and so on). 

Francesca Gasparini EEIVE speaker
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Francesca Gasparini

is an associate professor at the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She took her Ph.D in Science and Technology in Nuclear Power Plants at the Polytechnic of Milan, and her master degree in Nuclear Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan. She is the scientific coordinator of the Multimedia Signal Processing Laboratory. She is a scientific board member of NeuroMi Milan Center for Neuroscience and scientific coordinator of the research area of Computational and Systems Neuroscience. She is a member of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence AIXIA. Her research activity is focused on multimedia signal processing, analysis and understanding. From 2017 she enriched her research activity including affective computing, and brain computer interface, opening new fields of investigation in the Artificial Intelligence domain, extending her research activity on the field of the Ageing Society. She is currently coordinating several research activities in the area of electroencephalogram data processing and classification, and physiological data analysis.   

Aurora Saibene EEIVE speaker
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Aurora Saibene

Aurora Saibene is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca, whose research activities are mainly focused on brain-computer interfacing, human-machine interaction, multimedia signal processing, and neuroinformatics.
She took her Bachelor's, Master's Degree, and PhD in Computer Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2015, 2018, and 2022, respectively.
Her PhD thesis in Computer Science focused on the design of a Flexible Pipeline for Electroencephalographic Signal Processing and Management, wanting to provide a set of suggestions and technical procedures to pre-process, normalize, manage features, and classify a particularly tricky signal like the electroencephalographic one in different contexts. She has especially focused on the field of motor movement and imagery and she is now facing the challenge of employing wearable technologies with a multimodal approach to provide efficient and reliable brain-computer interfacing and human-centric systems in different fields of application.

Alessandra Grossi EEIVE speaker
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Alessandra Grossi

Alessandra Grossi is a research assistant in the PNRR project Age-it, Ageing Well in an Ageing Society at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She earned her Bachelor's degree in 2016 and her Master's Degree in Computer Science in November 2020. Her Master's thesis focused on analyzing and processing physiological signals from different aging subjects, both young and older adults, acquired in heterogeneous situations. In 2021, she continued her thesis analysis on physiological signals within the Logevicity project. In 2022, as part of the AMPEL project, she carried out research on the topic of Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) to recognize the emotional state of older adults from audio recordings of telephone conversations. Her main topics of research include the study of physiological signals, such as PPG (photoplethysmography), GSR (galvanic skin response), and EMG (electromyography) signals, and the recognition of emotions from speech.

External speakers

Loredana Addimando EEIVE speaker
supsi universityresearch gate

Loredana Addimando

Loredana Addimando is a psychologist, senior researcher and lecturer in educational psychology at the Teaching and Learning Department of the University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland.

Her research interests mainly focus on topics such as well-being in organizations, work-related stress and burnout, emotional issues in learning and training, conflict management, leadership and digital innovations in educational contexts.

Masiar Babazadeh EEIVE speaker
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Masiar Babazadeh

Lecturer and researcher at University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. Interested in Web technologies, Web engineering, and software architecture. I also like video games and eSports a lot. CTO COD Technologies.

Daniela Briola EEIVE speaker
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Daniela Briola

Daniela Briola obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Genoa in 2009, and is currently assistant professor at the University of Milano Bicocca. Her research interests include multiagent systems (MAS), knowledge representation and management for MAS, V&V of MASs and software engineering, in particular field monitoring and testing. She is regularly involved in the program committees of AAMAS and many international conferences in her areas of interest, lead Special issues in the area both of MAS and Software Engineering, and is one of the editors of the international journal “Scientific Programming”. 

Antonio Lieto EEIVE speaker
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Antonio Lieto

Antonio Lieto is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Salerno, DISPC and a Research Associate at the ICAR-CNR Institute in Palermo (Italy), Cognitive Robotics and Social Sensing Lab. His main fields of  research are:  Artificial Intelligence, Computational Cognitive Science and Human-Machine Interaction (with a focus on the following areas: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic/Language Technologies, Cognitive Systems and Architectures, Persuasive Technologies). He is, since January 2024, a member of the scientific board of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) and was Vice-President of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC, 2017-2022) and winner of the Outstanding BICA Research Award from the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture Society (USA). Since 2020, he has been appointed ACM Distinguished Speaker on Cognitively Inspired Artificial Intelligence topics.

Claudia Rabaioli EEIVE speaker
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Claudia Rabaioli

Claudia Rabaioli is a Junior research assistant at the Department of Physics of the University of Milano-Bicocca. She took her Master's Degree in Theory and Technology of Communication, and her Bachelor degree in New Technology of Arts at the Academy Of Fine Arts Santa Giulia of Brescia. Her research focuses on merging multimedia signals with the creative production field, through computational models for affective state detection. 

Massimo Tantardini EEIVE speaker
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Massimo Tantardini

Massimo Tantardini is the editor of the academic magazine «IO01 Umanesimo Tecnologico» (Published by Studium Editore), which he also founded; he serves as the Coordinator of the Department of Visual Arts, Professor of Phenomenology of Image, and teaches modules on Visual Culture, Publishing and Editing, and Methodology of Scientific-Artistic Research at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia. From 2016 to 2023, he was the Coordinator of the School for the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Graphics Design and Visual Communication, and from 2015 to 2018, he was the Coordinator of Disciplinary Knowledge Area for the bachelor’s and master’s degree in Set Design and Show Technologies. He is co-director of the series on Visual Culture and Digital Humanism for Franco Angeli Publisher, with whom he published a book in 2022 titled Performance Glitch: Beyond Action in Art, Representations, and Visual Communication. He founded, edited, and directed the international magazine of Contemporary Arts and Culture «Inside» (Published by SHIN Edizioni). He has written, curated, and edited – within the field of visual arts – exhibitions, happenings, and book-catalogs, collaborating with artists, intellectuals, institutions, foundations, galleries, and exhibition spaces in Italy and abroad.